Recent materials

Academic Freedom in Medieval Universities
Historian Peter Jones on Peter Abelard, logical analysis of the Scripture and what was the role of the univers...

Student Life in the Medieval Universities
Historian Peter Jones on the seven liberal arts, first textbooks and drinking as part of the student culture

Medieval Universities
Historian Peter Jones on the first European universities, different models of the education regulation and the...

Education in the Middle Ages
Historian Peter Jones on monastic education, cathedral schools and apprenticeship in the Middle Ages

Materiality in the History of Christianity
Historian Peter Jones on the medieval obsession with relics, Christian heresies and why we shouldn’t reduce ob...

History of Laughter
Historian Peter Jones on three theories of laughter, humour as a way of doing politics and how laughter was pe...

Love and Pain
Historian Peter Jones on love as a contract, religious love in middle ages and why love is tied to self-sacrif...